Mitchell UltraMate 7
Mitchell UltraMate расчет нормо часов, все модели американского рынка. Mitchell UltraMate is an advanced estimating system with proven technology that helps you create estimates that are accurate, verifiable, and readily accepted throughout the industry. UltraMate combines database accuracy with Windows ease-of-use, plus automated calculations and repair procedure pages that virtually eliminate errors. These features make it easier to produce estimates that are right the first time, and reduce the need for supplements. With intuitive, uncomplicated navigation, clear graphics, and simple-to-follow help instructions, UltraMate delivers powerful estimating technology. UltraMate is fully equipped to handle a wide range of estimating scenarios with alternative parts selection products and can also help you with critical business management functions with an integrated basic shop management product called ShopPak. You can click on the products below to find out more: Mitchell's Alternate Parts Program (MAPP) Quality Recycled Parts (QRP) ShopPak FEATURES Powered by the Mitchell Database - the #1 database in the industry Tab Menu Structure Configurable Repair Screen Right Click and Drag and Drop Functionality Automatic VIN decode Procedure Pages Based on CIECA standards facilitating open communications Communicate electronically to retrieve assignments and send estimates WebCom Broadband Communications (TCP/IP, DSL, T1 and ISP connections) BENEFITS Increase productivity and flexibility Saves time Reduce errors due to greater accuracy Connect easily and quickly with business partners
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