BOVA (Futura & Magiq)
BOVA After Sales Information System Drivers manual The drivers manual gives instructions about the operation and maintenance of the vehicle. When these instructions are being followed up you will have the most profit of your BOVA Futura. Futurair manual This manual explains the function of the Futurair system. It can also be used as a repair manual when there is any kind of malfunction in the system. Maintenance manual The maintenance manual describes all the assets of the maintenance for the BOVA Futura so that the vehicle remains in perfect condition. To implement and register this maintenance in the right way this will have a good influence on the lifetime and trade-in value of the vehicle. Electrical diagrams In this page you can view and print all the electrical diagrams for BOVA Futura's The page is completed but if you find additional diagrams please inform us. Pneumatic/hydraulic diagrams In this page you can view and print all the pneumatic/hydraulic diagrams for BOVA Futura's The page is completed but if you find additional diagrams please inform us. Workshop manual This page gives an overview of the available chapters from our workshop manual for BOVA Futura's with chassisnumber 5003803 and onwards. Parts catalogue The parts catalogue gives an overview of all available parts for BOVA Futura's from chassisnumber 5003803 onwards.
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