

Mitsubishi Diesel Engines SL-series (Hyundai)

This service manual is written to familiarize you with the maintenance of your L-series Diesel Engine. If the engine is carefully maintained, it will deliver a long productive life and efficient performance marked by power and economy.
Before attempting to inspect, disassemble, or repair the engine, read this manual carefully to learn more about the engine and how to care for it properly. All descriptions, illustrations, specifications and serial numbers in this manual are effective as of the date of printing of this manual.
The information contained in this manual applies to the engine model produced at the time of publication. It should be noted that specifications and design may change due to improvements made thereafter.

This service manual covers standard specifications for the L-series Mitsubishi Diesel Engine, and describes
• Specification
• Maintenance standard
• Adjustment
• Disassembly, inspection and repair
• Reassembly
In addition to the Summary of Manual Contents, a short summary of contents is found on the first page of each group of the manual.
Operation and periodic maintenance are described in the Operation & Maintenance Manual, component parts and ordering of service parts are described in the Parts Catalogue. Structure and function of the engine are described in the various training manuals.

Тип авто каталога: Руководство по ремонту
Регионы: Все регионы 
Поддерживаемые языки: Английский
Операционные системы: WinXP, Windows 7/8/10
Количество дисков: 1 CD
Дата: 08/2001 
Цена каталога: 25 USD

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